Jeffrey Rolls
Telephone: 07 3339 3622
Mobile: 0419 680 072
[email protected]
Year of appointment as barrister: 1986
Areas of Practice
Alternate Dispute Resolution
Common Law
Disciplinary Proceedings
Inquests, Commissions of Inquiry & Statutory Tribunals
Personal Injury
Proceeds of Crime
Professional & Medical Negligence
Wills, Probate & Family Provision
Workers Compensation
Work Health and Safety
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Jeffrey Rolls was admitted to the Queensland Bar in 1986. He is a graduate of the Queensland University of Technology. He holds the degree of Bachelor of Laws with honours.
Since commencing practice at the Queensland Bar, he has developed an extensive general civil practice with an emphasis on insurance and personal injuries work. He is retained by both plaintiffs and defendants appearing in all courts in Queensland and in the High Court of Australia. He has also appeared for parties in alternative dispute resolution procedures.
He has acted for the Attorney-General for the State of Queensland in applications made pursuant to the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003. He has also acted for the State of Queensland in applications made pursuant to the Criminal Proceeds Confiscation Act 2002.
Between 2002 and 2003, Jeffrey was the Chair of the Liquor Appeals Tribunal.
In 2011, he appeared as Counsel for the State of Queensland in the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry and in 2015, for the State of Queensland in the Grantham Floods Commission of Inquiry.