Brett Charrington KC
Telephone: 07 3236 1923
Mobile: 0419 797 760
Email: [email protected]
Year of appointment as barrister: 1996
Appointment as Queens Counsel: 2021
Areas of Practice
Common law – Personal injury
Dust diseases
Inquests and commissions of inquiry
Institutional child abuse
Professional negligence
Workers compensation
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Brett Charrington has been in private practice at the Queensland Bar since April 1996. After initially conducting a diverse practice that included commercial, family, tort and criminal law, he has specialized in common law/personal injury litigation since 2000. His particular areas of specialty include dust disease litigation, institutional child abuse litigation and assault cases involving state employees such as prison officers, hospital workers and police officers.
Brett regularly conducts trials and contested applications in the Supreme Court and appeals in the Court of Appeal. He has appeared in the High Court of Australia, the Supreme Court of Victoria and in two Commissions of Inquiry/Royal Commissions (Equine Influenza 2007/2008 and Aged Care 2019).